About Us


The School Day

Monday-Thursday: 8.45-3.30pm (Reception and Nursery 3.25pm)

Friday: 8.45-2.15pm

Total school hours: 32.5hrs per week

For children's safety, please do not drive into the school grounds unless arranged via the office.

Please also respect our neighbours driveways and avoid parking over them.

The blue pedestrian gates will be shut at 8.45am each day. If you arrive after this time, you will have to walk around to the main office and sign your child in.  Children need to be in school on time for their own learning and to avoid disrupting others learning. 

From September 2023, we are timetabling 'personal development time' into each day where every child will be working on their own targets. Therefore, it is even more important that your child arrives before the gates close at 8.45am.



When picking your child up:

  • Gates open at 3.15pm
  • If you arrive early, please wait patiently at the blue gates.
  • Please collect your child from the outside classroom doors




We do operate a small breakfast club for those in need and a minimal charge to cover food and staffing costs. If you need some support, please contact the office for more information.


We also offer a free breakfast to every child through the Magic Breakfast programme. Children are offered bagels daily on their arrival into school. This is served from 8.45am and at playtime in all classrooms.


Break and Lunchtime:

All pupils have a morning break. Fruit is free in KS1. Please do not provide sugary snacks for your children for breaktime as this causes glucose levels to spike and disrupts concentration. High protein snacks are encouraged. 


Lunchtimes are as follows:

Nursery: 11.30am – 12.30pm

Year 1-3: 12-1.00pm 


Year 4-6 12.30-1.30pm

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