All schools have a statutory duty to keep every member of the school community safe and to follow guidelines and procedures to ensure that this happens. Keeping everyone safe is at the heart of everything we do. All staff have completed Safeguarding Training which is updated regularly through meetings and newsletters.
The Safeguarding Team at Charlestown is:
Safeguarding Lead:
Ms. Peters (Interim Head of School)- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Ms. McKeown (Chair of Governors - Governor Safeguarding Lead)
Other designated safeguarding staff are:
Ms. Morrison (Family Support) - DDSL
Ms. Aslam (Attendance Officer)- DDSL
Ms. Haigh (Phase Leader)
Ms. Griffin (Learning Mentor)
Mr. Greaves (Learning Mentor)
Ms. McGowan (TA)
Ms. Robertson (TA)
Ms. Boocker (Deputy Head)
The safeguarding team meet weekly and the core leadership team monitor the recording system for Safeguarding (CPOMS) at all times.
We base our policies and practice on the following Government Documents:
'Working together to safeguard children - February 2017'
'Keeping children safe in Education - September 2024'
'Protecting children from radicalisation: the Prevent Duty - August 2015'
The latest Government Safeguarding documents can also be downloaded from:
The web address for Manchester Safeguarding Children Board is below and can be used to obtain more Safeguarding Information:
Below are our school policies which relate to Safeguarding and some more useful web addresses.